Well designed kit is built on purpose. We sell outdoor kit for fast and light pursuits that we have tried, tested and know from experience that it works
Actively cooling your body works
The Great Cooling Revolution

September 20, 2023

Studies show that reducing body temperature may improve performance even in relatively temperate conditions. We’ve known that physiology for a long time, but it wasn’t until recently that athletes started making cooling techniques a top priority. All around the world, in all different sports, there is something big happening. We are witnessing a cooling revolution.

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Take a hike and get stronger
Hiking, your key to endurance

June 29, 2021

We’re letting you in on a little secret… If you are striving to be a better endurance athlete, hiking might just be the elusive silver bullet...

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A good waterproof is worth the investment
What's in a waterproof jacket?

June 29, 2021

One of the best gear investments you will make for your missions into the great outdoors is a good waterproof rain jacket.  As with everything, not all waterproofs are made equal and you would be making a big mistake in not making the right investment up front...

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